The long-awaited mod DLC Farewell of The White Wolf has finally been released (available on Nexus), and with it, we are faced with some choices – as we expect from Witcher games. This guide will help you during the quest The Shadow Over Dunkeld, more details under the spoiler warning. Our guide for the three different endings is already available, and so is our Ciri’s romances guide


During the wedding feast, Ciri will end up telling about the first contract she completed without Geralt’s help – a macabre adventure involving the disappearances of children in a village called Dunkeld.

The three possible endings for the quest The Shadow over Dunkeld are very different and based, just like the other endings of The Farewell of the White Wolf, in just one choice. After investigating the mysterious disappearances of the strange village, Ciri will suspect three people: the ealdorman, fisherman Ian and the innkeeper.

The lesser evil | Innkeeper

The innkeeper is the one who is keeping the children captive. This ending is indicated by the narrative as the lesser evil, since only it’s the only one where Ciri is able to save the children and kill the Lords of the Deep. However, the rest of the city ends up dying – but are you really going to cry over the lives of people who killed children every fifty years to prolong their lives?

The demon is kept free | Ian

If Ciri comes to the conclusion that Ian is to blame, she will find out that he was just a ghost. After facing an empty hut, the little girl’s ghost will take Ciri to the ruins of the ritual, where the young witcheress will witness the children being sacrificed to the Lords of the Deep. Ciri fails to save the children, all that remains is to avenge them by killing the ealdorman. But alas, the demons returns to its realm and promises to come back in 50 years. This being the worst possible ending to the situation…

A middle ground | Ealdorman

If Ciri goes after the ealdorman, he will end up dying at the witcheress’ hands. Without his priest, the demon will cause the village’s massacre, killing both children and villagers. Ciri is now only able to avenge those deaths and kill the demon. 

What ending you’ll choose – a happier one, or a more gritty Witcher like? Let us know! Meanwhile, check out our interview with Gwent’s director Jason Slama.